El Real Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, dentro de su labor formativa y de difusión de temas europeos desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, celebra periódicamente distintos eventos. Para su desarrollo cuenta con la participación de funcionarios de las distintas instituciones y organismos comunitarios, académicos, políticos e investigadores de reconocido prestigio en el ámbito nacional e internacional.

En esta sección encontrará el listado de actividades organizadas por el Real Instituto de Estudios Europeos. Pulse sobre cada actividad para ver el detalle de la misma.


Call for Papers. International Workshop on State Aids, Taxation and Sustainable Growth, Beyond 2020

31 de octubre de 2013  0:00-
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By initiative of Profs. Pasquale Pistone, Marta Villar and Pernille Wegener, the universities of Aarhus (Denmark), San Pablo-CEU of Madrid (Spain) and WU Wien (Austria) and the IBFD will organize an International Workshop on State Aids, Taxation and Sustainable Growth beyond 2020.

This workshop will take place in the University of Aarhus (Denmark), the 31st October 2013. This call for papers ends in the 15th of August 2013. It is a great opportunity for experts from different countries to join in order to exchange views and discuss the most crucial issues within this topic. This will also allow the identification of future research topics in the framework of Environmental taxation and EU Law on State Aids. One of the key aims of this workshop is precisely to promote collaborative research projects on a bigger scale, joining the efforts between researchers and practitioners from the EU and also from third countries.

The workshop will be structured in plenary sessions and working groups. The working groups will be formed by both highly skilled presenters (invited by the organization) and those who will be selected following this call for papers.

For further information, please check the following link:

