October 11, 2012
CEU San Pablo University
The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and the CEU San Pablo University signed an agreement on 11 October 2012 through the International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (CIAMEN) of the Royal University Institute for European Studies.
Among the main initiatives that are specified in the agreement is the development and delivery of a joint 'Specialization Module in Alternative Dispute Resolution'. The agreement also includes the organisation and delivery of courses and other academic activities related to alternative dispute resolution and arbitration and the preparation of a collective work directed by both institutions in which prominent academics and professionals in the field of study will participate, entitled 'Introduction to Non-jurisdictional Mechanisms for the Prevention, Management, Resolution and Resolution of Conflicts (ADR)'.
The agreement was formalised by the signing of the director of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, Anthony Abrahams, and the rector of the CEU San Pablo University, Juan Carlos Domínguez Nafría .

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