September 26-27. Law Faculty of CEU San Pablo University
The International Centre for Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (CIAMEN) of the Royal University Institute for European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University and the Spanish Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce ICC organised the III ICC SPANISH ARBITRATION FORUM - "Spanish business speaks about arbitration".
The Forum took place on 26 and 27 September 2017 in the Auditorium of the Faculty of Law of the CEU San Pablo University (C/Julián Romea, 22 or Avenida del Valle, 21. Madrid, 28003).
It was mainly aimed at company legal advisors and lawyers in general.
Programme Structure's
- I. New ICC Rules 2017 (Abbreviated Procedure) and the results of the implementation of the ICC Rules 2012
- II. Spanish small and medium-sized enterprises and companies in specific sectors, as opposed to commercial arbitration. Advantages and disadvantages of the new abbreviated procedure of the CCI
- III. Companies talk about arbitration. His vision of commercial and investment arbitration
- IV. How companies can preserve their specific interests in the arbitration: confidentiality, trade secrets, production of documents
- V. The choice of the language, the applicable law, the seat and institution and other aspects of the arbitration agreement, from the point of view of the companies
- VI. New trends. Arbitration in tax matters

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