Competition Policy Serie

  • Energy Taxation and State Aids: Analysis of Comparative Law
    Marta Villar Ezcurra. Janet Milne
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  • EU Energy Taxation System & State Aid Control Critical Analysis from Competitiveness and Environmental Protection Objectives
    Jerónimo Maillo. Edoardo Traversa. Justo Corti. Alice Pirlot
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  • The Role of the Polluter Pays Principle and others Key Legal Principles in Energy Taxes, on an State aid Context
    José A. Rozas
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  • Energy taxation and key legal concepts in the EU State aid context: looking for a common understanding Energy Tax Incentives and the GBER regime
    Joachim English
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  • Energy taxation and key legal concepts in the EU State aid context: looking for a common understanding
    Marta Villar Ezcurra. Pernille Wegener Jessen
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  • The role of tax incentives on the energy sector under the Climate Change’s challenges
    Pasquale Pistone. Iñaki Bilbao
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  • Una evaluación económica de la revisión judicial de las sanciones impuestas por la CNMC por infracciones anticompetitivas
    Javier García-Verdugo
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  • Japanese Cartel Control in Transition
    Mel Marquis - Tadashi Shiraishi
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  • El procedimiento sancionador en materia de cárteles
    Alfonso Lamadrid de Pablo y José Luis Buendía Sierra
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  • Cuantificación de daños de los cárteles duros. Una visión económica
    Rodolfo Ramos Melero
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