International Conference: The Enlargement and the political and economic future of the European Union

9.15 h
Universidad CEU San Pablo
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The International Conference on The Enlargement and the political and economic future of the European Union will be a forum for the presentation of papers analysing the challenges and opportunities of the new enlargement process from a multidisciplinary perspective and from the standpoint of each of the twenty-five countries involved.

The collaboration of young European researchers is sought for the proper development of the project, both from the current Member States and from the ten candidate countries. The principal objective pursued is to encourage young Europeans to become involved in the broader project of Community integration.

The activity proposed is an international conference in which both experts on enlargement and young researchers (35 years of age or less) will take part.



Individuals of any nationality may participate.

Papers prepared by young European researchers will be presented following the requirements determined by the Institute for European Studies. Once all papers have been received a selection committee will choose those that will be presented at the International Conference.

The Institute of European Studies will accept only papers sent in electronic format (using a version of Word) and not exceeding 25 pages. The font used should be Times New Roman 12. The margins will be 3 cm on both sides and 2.5 cm for headers and footers. The space between the lines must be single and there should be no spaces between paragraphs.

Texts must be written either in English or Spanish.

The papers must be submitted prior to 19th March 2004 by e-mail ([email protected]), including in the "subject" line: International Conference_Name Surname.


Main Topics

The Conference will admit all types of papers within the following areas:

    -Common cultural identity
    -Civil society, transparency and democracy
    -European institutions
    -Foreign policy
    -Justice and home affairs
    -Economic affairs
    -What are the limits of Europe?


Selection Criteria

Participant researchers will be chosen by a Selection Committee headed by Mr Marcelino Oreja Aguirre. Candidates should prepare a paper in English related to any of the principal topics of the International Conference. Selection of candidates will be carried out by following the criteria set out below:

    -Quality of the paper. The Selection Committee will examine the quality of the paper in terms of scientific accuracy, depth of analysis of the subject and originality in the treatment of the topic.

    -Degree of appropriateness and interest of the paper in relation to the subject of the specific round table concerned.

    -Participant’s nationality: Apart from the criteria related to quality, and depending on the number and diversity of the papers received, the Selection Committee will take account of the participant’s nationality. If possible, the Committee will try to ensure the largest possible representation of the different nationalities making up the Union of 25.


More information

Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos:
TEL: 915 14 04 22
Email: [email protected]