At the origins of modernity: Vitoria and the new world
2-3 - July - 2015
Convento San Esteban - Salamanca
Francisco Vitoria was, probably, the most important of the political philosophers of the Counter-Reformation. Considered one of the fathers of international law, he wrote important essays on civil and ecclesiastical power and, from his chair in Salamanca, he proposed controversial thesis, for example, for defending the new world Indians against the imperialism.
The spirit of this seminar is to join a selected group of international experts on Francisco de Vitoria in the same place where he lived and taught; and to discuss the impact of his thoughts for today’s challenges on globalization (Communitas orbis), international law, cultural diversity, jus bellum iustum, etc. Our main aim is to create an enriching debate that would throw light on the true role that Francisco de Vitoria played in history and the modern world thinking.
In the framework of this seminar on July 2nd, at 7pm, there will be an open conference at the City Hall of Salamanca. This conference will be given in Spanish by Prof. Anthony Pagden, from University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).