El Real Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, dentro de su labor formativa y de difusión de temas europeos desde una perspectiva multidisciplinar, celebra periódicamente distintos eventos. Para su desarrollo cuenta con la participación de funcionarios de las distintas instituciones y organismos comunitarios, académicos, políticos e investigadores de reconocido prestigio en el ámbito nacional e internacional.

En esta sección encontrará el listado de actividades organizadas por el Real Instituto de Estudios Europeos. Pulse sobre cada actividad para ver el detalle de la misma.


Las reglas del mercado y la gobernanza mundial: Derecho y política de la competencia

8 de noviembre de 2019  10:00-16:00
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Chair: Prof. Dr. Jerónimo Maillo (Professor of EU and International Law. Coordinator of the Centre for Competition Policy, CEU San Pablo University, Madrid)

10.00 The evolution of competition policy in the PRC
Speaker: Prof. Dr. Liu Xu (Research fellow at National Strategy Institute (NSI), Tsinghua University)

Comments and Discussion:
(1) Cartels and other restrictive agreements
Zhao Ye, Jintian Gongcheng, Beijing
Rebeca Yin, Tian Yuan Law Firm, Beijing

(2) Abuses of dominant positions
Lin Xie, Former official of MOFCOM's and SAMR's Anti-Monopoly Bureau, CASS Affiliate
Zhao Ye, Jintian Gongcheng, Beijing
Jet Deng, Dentons, Beijing

(3) Merger control
Zhaofeng Zhou, Fieldfisher, Beijing
Lin Xie, Former official of MOFCOM's and SAMR's Anti-Monopoly Bureau, CASS Affiliate

(4) Public restraints of competition (administrative monopolies, public services and SOEs)
Rachel Xu, Hogan Lovells, Beijing
Prof. Huan Qi (CUPL)
Lily Su, Meituan Company

12:30 Lunch

13:45 China and EU Competition law:A Comparison
               Speaker: Prof. Dr. Huang Jin (Associate Professor of Law and Deputy Director of Center for Competition Law at Institute of International Law, CASS)

Comments and Discussion:
Prof. Dr. Sandra Marco, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Prof. Dr. Javier Porras, CEU San Pablo University, Madrid

16:00 Tea Time and the End of the Conference



Learn more about this project in our website: Jean Monnet Network China-UE

