Energy taxation and key legal concepts in the EU State aid context: looking for a common understanding
The University Institute for European Studies at CEU San Pablo University, with the support of the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, organizes the II Experts Seminar on “Energy taxation and key legal concepts in the EU State aid context: looking for a common understanding”.
The coordinators are Prof. Marta Villar and Prof. Pernille Wegener. The discussant is Dr. José Luis Palma (Gómez-Acebo & Pombo Abogados). The research team consists of Prof. Justo Corti, Prof. Joachim English, Mr. Enrique Fonseca an Prof. Federica Pitrone.
This research activity pretends to clarify the key concepts to improve the assessment of States aids in the form of tax advantage on the energy sector. There are not particular guidelines on State aids and indirect (or energy) taxes, and then we pursue to find the necessary definitions, categorizations and systematisations to improve legal certainty.
The seminar took place on the 14th April 2015.