Towards a common EU tax policy in favour of the green energy sector


The main objective of the conference is to open the debate on EU’s energy taxation and State aid regulation by gathering specialists of the energy field from different sectors. There is indeed a need to rethink EU’s energy policy in light of Europe’s economic, social and environmental goals. 

The conference will hopefully contribute to EESC’s objective to include EU civil society in the discussions surrounding all aspects of European energy policy, including energy taxes. Energy taxation is certainly a key aspect of EU’s energy policy as it does not only have an impact on EU’s citizens in terms of jobs but also in terms of economic growth and EU sustainable development.

Program (provisional): Two sessions of 1:15

The 1st session will focus on taxes used to internalise environmental costs. This session will discuss the potential reforms to the EU energy tax framework, including past proposals to modify the ETD in accordance with environmental considerations, the possibility to adopt an EU-wide carbon tax, etc.

The 2nd session will focus on the role of taxation in encouraging positive behaviours, such as tax incentives in the field of environmental protection or tax incentives for renewable energy. In particular, we hope to discuss the need to better define environmental taxes in the framework of the General Block Exemption Regulation and the guidelines on State aid for environmental protection and energy as well as the rationale behind current guidelines surrounding “aid in the form of reductions in or exemptions from environmental taxes”. Are these forms of aid aimed at pursuing environmental goals or rather reinforcing EU competitiveness?


Introduction on the project: “Energy taxation and State aid control: looking for a better coordination and efficiency” by Prof. Marta Villar Ezcurra (Universidad CEU San Pablo)

- Manfred Rosenstock (European Commission; DG Environment) 
- Elzbieta Olkuska (DG taxud) 
- James Nix (Director of green budget Europe)
- Petru Dandea (ECO-Section member, distinguished expert on tax matters, representative of the EESC)
- Elisabetta Righini (King’s College London) 
- Philippe Lamberts (green MEP)
- An Theeuwes (tbc)

Scientific coordination: Alice Pirlot and Prof. Edoardo Traversa (Catholic University of Louvain), Jeronimo Maillo and Prof. Marta Villar Ezcurra (Universidad CEU San Pablo)

Partnerships: Louvain University - EESC - CEU San Pablo University (Madrid)

Contributors: ETSA project (Ref.553321-EPP-1-2014-1-ES-EPPJMO-PROJECT) and DER 21014-58191-P

Place and time: European Economic and Social Committee (EESC), Rue Belliard 99, 1040 Brussels - 1st of December, from 2:30 to 5 pm, followed by a reception 

Registration: In order to register for the conference, please fill in the following form before the 22nd of November. Registration is free but obligatory. Due to the limited number of places, please inform us in advance – if possible before the 22nd of November - in case you cannot attend the event so that we can let someone else take place to the conference.

Contact: [email protected]