Study of the European energy market
The University Institute for European Studies at CEU San Pablo University, with the support of the Directorate General for Education and Culture of the European Commission, organizes the III Experts Seminar on “Study of the European energy market”.
The coordinators is Prof. Vicente López-Ibor. The discussant is Nuria Encinar. The research team consists of Prof. Íñigo del Guayo, Prof. Ana Isabel Mateos and Prof. Javier Porras Belarra.
The topic is going to be presented taking into consideration the latest developments and those internal and external factors which have made the Union’s attention towards this policy increase in the last decade. The challenges, objectives and instruments the Union can rely upon to achieve greater energy safety, sustainability and competitiveness will be presented alongside the actions needed to improve this policy in the foreseeable future.
The seminar took place on the 27th October 2015.