Dr. Iñaki Bilbao

Academic position
Vice Chancellor of International Relations
Tax Law
CEU Cardenal Herrera
Contact details
Vicerrector Investigación y Relaciones Internacionales
Rectorado - Rectorado/Gerencia
Avda. Seminario s/n. 46113 Moncada - Valencia
(+34) 96 136 90 00
[email protected]
Iñaki Bilbao Estrada specializes in teaching and researching in the area of Tax Law. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Law and a European doctorate (cum laude) awarded by the University of Valencia and Universidad Cardenal Herrera – CEU respectively. He has also studied an MBA (CEU San Pablo) and an Expert E-learning University course (Open University of Spain – UNED). After a research scholarship with Fundación San Pablo he was appointed Lecturer in Financial and Tax Law at UCH-CEU. He has presented and organized numerous courses, seminars and conferences in many different foreign countries, and has made various research stays in foreign universities. He was Visiting Scholar at the University of Berkeley and guest lecturer at various other universities. He is also a practising lawyer, registered with the Bar Association of Valencia and a member of the Spanish Association of Tax Lawyers, the Spanish Association of Tax Law, the International Fiscal Association and the European Association of Tax Law Professors. He has published extensively and received various prizes, among them: Second prize in the XXI Annual “La Ley” Awards, first prize in the “Estudios Financieros” (Tax) Awards, and special commendations in Editions XIII/XIV of the “Estudios Financieros” (Tax) Awards. He is principal researcher in numerous projects, primarily “The tax treatment of emission rights” and “Taxation and Climate Change” both funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Culture, and is Director of the ENDESA Research Chair of Taxation and Climate Change at UCH-CEU. Right now he is Vice-chancellor of Research and International Relations.