
ActivitiesThe Royal University Institute for European Studies has among its main tasks the teaching and promotion of European affairs. To this end, the Institute regularly celebrates diverse academic events, counting on the collaboration of different European institutions and organizations, scholars, politicians and researchers of wide recognition in the domestic and international sphere. In this section you will find a list of the most recent activities celebrated by the Royal University Institute for European Studies.

For a compendium of more activities in Spanish (since 2001) of the Royal University Institute for European Studies, please click here.

Nuestro presidente Marcelino Oreja participará en el XXX Aniversario del Proyecto Spinelli

28 de April de 2014  12:00 AM-
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Marcelino Oreja, presidente del Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos participará el próximo 28 de abril, en el acto conmemorativo del trigésimo aniversario del proyecto Spinelli, precursor del futuro de la Unión Europea, organizado por El Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Europeo.

El acto será inagurado por Eugenio Nasarre, Presidente del Consejo Federal Español del Movimiento Europeo y Benigno Pendás, Director del Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales.

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