What are the thoughts that characterised Václav Havel's intellectual work? How did he synthesise the set of political values that were to lead to democracy? What would be the work that the European Union would have to do after the fall of the Berlin Wall, and now into the 21st century?
The purpose of the book "El poder de los sin poder y otros escritos", which the Royal University Institute for European Studies, in collaboration with Editorial Encuentro, has published, answers these questions from the voice of Václav Havel in the first person. The book allows the reader to understand life in the countries of the East when they were still under the Soviet orbit, to evolve with the author as a dissident, to go back to the most historic moments of Czechoslovak democracy and to defend the values of integration before the European institutions.

Download prologue of Belén Becerril, deputy director of the Royal Institute
This work is part of the collection "Raíces de Europa", which has already published works by Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, Salvador de Madariaga, Alcide de Gasperi, Otto de Habsburg, Richard N. Coudenhove-Kalergi, and T.S. Eliot.