Foreign policy towards China has been a priority of Spanish foreign policy for years and has been the object of numerous initiatives and actions by the Administration. Thus, both because of this action and that of private agents (mainly Spanish companies), economic and trade relations between Spain and China have grown steadily, although there is still a great deal of room for growth.
Likewise, China launched in 2013 its New Silk Road initiative, also known by the English expression Belt and Road, or One Belt, One Road (OBOR). This aims ultimately to develop a major Eurasian economic corridor, which would connect China with Europe, and would involve the development of infrastructure projects and other types in Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, the Middle East, the Mediterranean and also East Africa.
Estimates vary, but the New Silk Road will promote projects for a significant amount of money, with estimates ranging from $300 billion to $1 trillion. The New Silk Road also has an important foreign policy dimension, because of its implications for China's (and also other countries involved) relations with the European Union, international security, the framework of relations and alliances in the Asian area, etc.
In view of this situation, the Royal University Institute of European Studies is developing two projects linked to China, which it is doing in collaboration with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Union and Cooperation: