" Studying in Madrid and benefiting from an international university environment is a great chemistry and this is exactly what the Master in EU Studies of the CEU-S.Pablo offers. Nowadays, it is impossible to be a good lawyer or a good politician without a strong background in EU studies. When teaching as adjunct professor in this master I found a fantastic context where everyone can express (and develop) his/her skills at the best, thanks to the attention, professionalism and friendship of a community of people genuinely committed to a profound cultural mission."

Giuseppe Martinico 
García Pelayo Fellow 
Centro de Estudios Politicos y Constitucionales


The academic year starts in October and finishes in July. Classes are scheduled on weekdays, Monday - Friday, in the afternoon


Royal University Institute for European Studies. CEU San Pablo University. Av. del Valle, 21 (28003 - Madrid) and University Institute of Research Ortega y Gasset. C/ Fortuny, 53 (28010 - Madrid)


Full Time


Spanish and English


The module leader is responsible for teaching the contents of the academic programme and for the assessment of students. In addition, a series of specialized seminars are delivered by guest lecturers selected from among a wide range of authorities and dignitaries, such as diplomatic service members, civil servants of international organizations, politicians, and journalists with expertise in international affairs.

The approach of this Master’s Degree is basically practical, focused on the active participation of students in the lectures and workshops. After having gone through the compulsory reading lists, students are required to engage in fruitful discussions through the study of cases, and by conducting presentations of team-work projects.

Part of the program is delivered in English, and consequently, the knowledge of this language is a necessary prerequisite for admission.

In order to be able to obtain the Master´s Degree, students are required to attend at least 80% of the lectures and other activities organised.

In addition to the lectures, students will be assessed on the basis of their participation in the activities organized by the University Institute for European Studies andother collaborating institutions: conferences, seminars, debates, and working lunches.

At the end of the Master’s degree the students will undertake a research project or dissertation – supervised by one of the programme professors. This dissertation will be presented in a viva voce exam in front of a panel of experts. The University Institute for European Studies may offer the opportunity to the best-performing students to publish their research papers in the Institute Working Paper series. Prior to their publication, all the papers are subject to a peer review process and are required to comply with the Institute´s high academic standards.