Commercial Technician and State Economist
Founding Partner of Iberglobal
- PhD in Economics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
- Journalist (Escuela Oficial de Periodismo de Madrid)
- Commercial Technician and State Economist
- Full Professor of Applied Economics (surplus)
- Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in The Hague (2011-2015)
- Professor and co-director of the Academic Council of the Campus of Economics and International Business of the Carlos V Centre of the Autonomous University of Madrid (2010-2017)
- Professor of the course Markets and Multilateral Financial Institutions, Extenda-Junta de Andalucía (2009-2011)
- Technical Advisor to the General Sub-Directorate of Analysis, Strategy and Evaluation (2008-2011)
- Professor of the Master in International Relations at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU (2008-present)
- Professor at the Iberglobal Campus (2005-present)
- Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa (2003-2008)
- Director of the Spanish Centre for International Relations-CERI (2000-2002)
- Co-Director of the Master's Degree in Foreign Trade of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation/Carlos III University (1999-2001)
- Editor of the magazine Economía Exterior (1999-2002)
- Associate Director of ACE-Foreign Trade Advisors (1998-2002)
- Economic Advisor to the Government of Tianjin Municipality (P.R. China, appointed 1998)
- Governor representing Spain of the Asia-Europe Foundation (1997-1998)
- Chairman of the Spanish-Chinese Business Committee (1992-2002)
- Director of Técnicas Reunidas (1990-1998)
- Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Beijing (1987-89)
- Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Cairo (1984-87)
- Head of the Publications Service of the Ministry of Trade (1982-84)
- Head of the Employment Analysis Section of the Ministry of Economy and Trade (1981-82)
- Professor of Economic Structure at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1975-1984)
- Member of the Editorial Board of Iberchina (www.iberchina.org)
- Member of the Advisory Board of the magazine Política Exterior
- Member of the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano
- Professor of Economic Structure at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1975-1984)
- Participation in research projects:
Plan for attracting foreign investment for the Madrid City Council (2017)
Project "Spain and the New Silk Road: opportunities, challenges, recommendations". Royal University Institute of European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University (2017-2018)
Feasibility study on the creation of a network of professionals and managers of Spanish companies abroad (2019). Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands
Organisation of sectoral panels on the internationalisation of Madrid companies (2019). Madrid Investment Attraction (Madrid City Council)
Promotion of Spanish investments in Sub-Saharan Africa. Exporters and Investors Club (2019-2020)
"A new boost to Spain's relations with China within the framework of European Union policy". Royal University Institute of European Studies of the San Pablo CEU University (2019-2020)
- BENEYTO, J.M. y FANJUL, E. (2018). El papel de España en La Nueva Ruta de la Seda. Aranzadi-CEU.
- FANJUL, E. (2014). Memoria de Tiananmen. Recuerdos de una primavera de Pekín. Iberglobal-Smashwords.
- FANJUL, E. (2012). Negociación intercultural. Iberglobal-Smashwords.
- FANJUL, E. y MOLERO, J. (2001). Asia, una nueva frontera para España. Ed. Complutense.
- FANJUL. E. (1999). El dragón el huracán. Retos y esperanzas de China ante el siglo XXI. Ed. Política Exterior. Madrid.
- FANJUL, E. (1994). Revolución en la revolución. China, del maoísmo a la era de la reforma. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
- FANJUL. E. (1991). Reforma y crisis en China. Arias Montano Editores. Madrid.