Commercial Technician and State Economist

Founding Partner of Iberglobal




  • PhD in Economics (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
  • Journalist (Escuela Oficial de Periodismo de Madrid)
  • Commercial Technician and State Economist
  • Full Professor of Applied Economics (surplus)



  • Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in The Hague (2011-2015)
  • Professor and co-director of the Academic Council of the Campus of Economics and International Business of the Carlos V Centre of the Autonomous University of Madrid (2010-2017)
  • Professor of the course Markets and Multilateral Financial Institutions, Extenda-Junta de Andalucía (2009-2011)
  • Technical Advisor to the General Sub-Directorate of Analysis, Strategy and Evaluation (2008-2011)
  • Professor of the Master in International Relations at the Universidad San Pablo-CEU (2008-present)
  • Professor at the Iberglobal Campus (2005-present)
  • Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Ottawa (2003-2008)
  • Director of the Spanish Centre for International Relations-CERI (2000-2002)
  • Co-Director of the Master's Degree in Foreign Trade of the Ortega y Gasset Foundation/Carlos III University (1999-2001)
  • Editor of the magazine Economía Exterior (1999-2002)
  • Associate Director of ACE-Foreign Trade Advisors (1998-2002)
  • Economic Advisor to the Government of Tianjin Municipality (P.R. China, appointed 1998)
  • Governor representing Spain of the Asia-Europe Foundation (1997-1998)
  • Chairman of the Spanish-Chinese Business Committee (1992-2002)
  • Director of Técnicas Reunidas (1990-1998)
  • Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Beijing (1987-89)
  • Economic and Commercial Counsellor of the Spanish Embassy in Cairo (1984-87)
  • Head of the Publications Service of the Ministry of Trade (1982-84)
  • Head of the Employment Analysis Section of the Ministry of Economy and Trade (1981-82)
  • Professor of Economic Structure at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1975-1984)
  • Member of the Editorial Board of Iberchina (www.iberchina.org)
  • Member of the Advisory Board of the magazine Política Exterior
  • Member of the Scientific Council of the Real Instituto Elcano
  • Professor of Economic Structure at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1975-1984)
  • Participation in research projects:
    • Plan for attracting foreign investment for the Madrid City Council (2017)

    • Project "Spain and the New Silk Road: opportunities, challenges, recommendations". Royal University Institute of European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University (2017-2018)

    • Feasibility study on the creation of a network of professionals and managers of Spanish companies abroad (2019). Forum of Renowned Spanish Brands

    • Organisation of sectoral panels on the internationalisation of Madrid companies (2019). Madrid Investment Attraction (Madrid City Council)

    • Promotion of Spanish investments in Sub-Saharan Africa. Exporters and Investors Club (2019-2020)

    • "A new boost to Spain's relations with China within the framework of European Union policy". Royal University Institute of European Studies of the San Pablo CEU University (2019-2020)



  • BENEYTO, J.M. y FANJUL, E. (2018). El papel de España en La Nueva Ruta de la Seda​. Aranzadi-CEU. 
  • FANJUL, E. (2014). Memoria de Tiananmen. Recuerdos de una primavera de Pekín. Iberglobal-Smashwords.
  • FANJUL, E. (2012). Negociación intercultural. Iberglobal-Smashwords.
  • FANJUL, E. y MOLERO, J. (2001). Asia, una nueva frontera para España. Ed. Complutense. 
  • FANJUL. E. (1999). El dragón el huracán. Retos y esperanzas de China ante el siglo XXI. Ed. Política Exterior. Madrid.
  • FANJUL, E. (1994). Revolución en la revolución. China, del maoísmo a la era de la reforma. Alianza Editorial. Madrid.
  • FANJUL. E. (1991). Reforma y crisis en China. Arias Montano Editores. Madrid.