Professor of History of Thought and Social Movements. San Pablo CEU University
- Superior Degree in Geography and History from the Complutense University (1987)
- PhD Survival and Overcoming of Iberism: The New Determinants of Peninsular Policy (1939-55) (1992)
- PhD: Spain in Contemporary International Society, Universidad Complutense (1992)
- B.A. in Political Science and Sociology. International Relations (1993)
- PhD: The Solidarity Factor in the Dynamics of International Relations: A Spanish Perspective (1999)
- PhD: The Political Reality of Latin America by the Universidad a Distancia (UNED) (2000)
- Diploma of Advanced Studies in Public Law, CEU São Paulo University (2007)
- Coordinator of the Doctorate Program in Humanities for the Contemporary World CEINDO
- Full Professor and Senior Researcher at CEU San Pablo University (2016-present)
- Angel Herrera Award for Research in the Humanities (2007 and 2013)
- Political commentator at Grupo PRISA (2005-present)
- 6+6 Associate Professor at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos I (2003-2004)
- Strategic Evaluation of the Municipality of Puebla (Mexico) (2001)
- Coordinator and member of the Faculty of the Master's Degree in European Union of the UNED Foundation (2000-2002)
- Professor Tutor. UNED. Associated Center of Madrid (1999)
- Recount of: 59 scientific articles | 101 books | 52 congress participations | 13 projects
- JIMÉNEZ REDONDO, J.C. (2019). Franco y Salazar: la respuesta autoritaria a un mundo en cambio. Silex. Madrid.
- JIMÉNEZ REDONDO, J.C. (2019). España y Portugal: geopolítica de una vecindad conflictiva. Comares. Granada.
- JIMÉNEZ REDONDO, J.C. (2019). "La narrativa geopolítica imperial de las dictaduras ibéricas: el régimen de Franco y la desaparición del Estado portugués de la India en 1961" EN Hispania. pp. 79-263.
- JIMÉNEZ REDONDO, J.C. (2017). "La percepción portuguesa de la evolución política española, 1957-1968" EN AYER, nº 106. pp. 239-264