The Royal University Institute for European Studies at the CEU San Pablo University offers teachers of Secondary Education, High School and Vocational Training a new edition of the free course "Training European Citizens", on the afternoons of 15, 22 and 29 March, a course equivalent to 1 training credit, authorised by the Directorate General for Innovation, Grants and Education Aid of the Regional Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the Community of Madrid.
Europe is facing a major crisis. It is necessary to urge everyone, especially young people, not to be spectators in the coming years and to participate in the decision-making necessary to face the new challenges. The decisions of the EU have a direct impact on our country and on the world. The level of complexity of these and the continuous change of the European political and economic system require constant updating of knowledge, which is what this course aims to offer teachers, as well as many useful teaching tools and resources.
Among the objectives of this course are:
- To update and provide quality training on the EU, so that teachers can include them in the teaching-learning process in those subjects that, specifically or transversally, include EU topics
- To provide teachers with the best EU teaching tools and resources to pass on, helping them to identify and access the main documentation and sources of information on the European Union available
- Explain the functioning of the ERASMUS+ Programme, which aims to promote mobility in Europe for students and teachers