The Royal University Institute of European Studies of the CEU San Pablo University, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, has developed a research project about the role that Spain must adopt in the New Silk Road. Within the framework, several activities have been organised:
Likewise, two working papers were edited:
- Introducción. José María Beneyto.
- La Ruta de la Seda y la “nueva era” de la República Popular China: fundamentos, objetivos, implicaciones. Fernando Delage.
- Las relaciones económicas y comerciales entre China y España ante la Nueva Ruta de la Seda. Enrique Fanjul.
- La Diplomacia Monetaria China en la Nueva Ruta de la Seda: el Banco Asiático de Inversiones en Infraestructuras y otros bancos de desarrollo. Miguel Otero Iglesias.
- La inversión china en Europa y en España. Amadeo Jensana Tanehashi.
- La Nueva Ruta de la Seda y sus implicaciones para la política internacional. Juan Leña Casas.
- La Nueva Ruta de la Seda en el marco de las relaciones Unión Europea-China. Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús.
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- The first section reviews some aspects of the international and economic context, which condition Spain's participation in the New Silk Road initiative
- The second section reviews the main factors that would favour Spain's participation in the Silk Road
- The third section reviews the main obstacles to Spanish participation
- The fourth contains the main recommendations suggested for Spanish foreign policy. These are grouped into five lines of action: a) Information actions. b). Actions aimed at promoting transparency and openness in the awarding of projects. c). Institutional actions. d). Financial support. e). Promotional actions
- Finally, a summary table of the suggested actions is compiled
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