Professor of European Law. Coordinator of the General European Studies courses at the College of Europe in Bruges

- B.A. in Political Science and Administration from the Complutense University of Madrid
- Master in European Studies at the College of Europe
- PhD in Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen
- Professor of Political Science at the University of Salamanca and the University Carlos III
- Postdoctoral researcher at the University of East Anglia in Norwich (UK)
- Visiting Professor at the College of Europe
- Oleart, A. y Bouza, Luis (2018). "Democracy at stake: multi-positional actors and politicisation in the EU civil society field". Journal of Common Market Studies. 56 (4), pp. 870-887.
- Bouza, L. (2017) (ed). "The narrative turn in European Studies". Special issue of the Journal of Contemporary European Studies. Vol 25:3. pp. 285-378.
- Bouza, L. and Greenwood, J. (2016). "What is a succesful ECI?" EN CONRAD, M., KNAUT, A., BÖTTGER (eds). Bridging the Gap? Opportunities and Constraints of the European Citizens' Initiative Baden Baden. Nomo. pp. 149-168.
- Bouza, L. (2016). “Enmarcar, narrar y convencer: el papel de la información y las ideas en el proceso político de la UE.” Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto. Nº 55, pp. 61-83.
- Bouza, L. (2016). "La dimensión europea del sistema de intermediación de intereses: los grupos de interés españoles ante la UE." EN MELLADO, L. MEDINA, I. y MOLINS J. Los grupos de interés. Ed Tecnos.
- Bouza, L. (2015). Participatory Democracy Civil Society in the EU: Agenda-Setting and Institutionalisation. Palgrave Macmillan Political Sociology series.
- Bouza, L. (2015). "Linking Disconnected Spaces or Venue Shopping? Trade-Offs in Participatory Opportunities in the EU". Social Movements Studies. 14 (5), pp. 557-575.
- Bouza, L. (2015). “The effect of the European Citizens Initiative in the field of EU civil society relations” EN JOHANSSON, H. y KALM, S. EU civil society: patterns of cooperation, competition and conflict. Palgrave Macmillan: European Political Sociology series.
- Bouza, L. y GREENWOOD, J. (2014). “The European Citizens’ Initiative: A new sphere of EU politics?”. Interest Groups & Advocacy. 3 (3), pp. 246–267.
- Bouza, L. (2012). "New rules, new players? The ECI as a source of competition and contention in the European public sphere". Perspectives on European Politics and Society. 13(3), pp. 312-324.
- Bouza, L. y DEL RÍO, S. (2012): “The ECI as a democratic innovation. Analysing its ability to promote inclusion, empowerment and responsiveness in European civil society.” Perspectives on European Politics and Society, 13 (3), pp. 337-351.
- Bouza, L. (2011) “La participación autonómica y local en redes de cooperación europea”. Revista de Estudios de la Administración Local y Autonómica. N. 315-316, pp. 69-94.