Professor of Applied Economics, Universidad de Alcalá




  • Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences and Professor of Applied Economics at the University of Alcalá



  • Professor of Economics at the University of Valladolid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • Professor of International Economics and Foreign Trade and researcher at John F. Kennedy University in Buenos Aires
  • Professor of Spanish Economy in the courses for foreigners at the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (2000- 2005)
  • Director of the Doctorate in Economic and Monetary Integration of Europe, of the Master's Degree in Globalisation and Economic Development and of the First Expert Course in Food Communication, all at the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute
  • Deputy Director of the Ortega y Gasset University Research Institute
  • Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Business and Corporate Criminal Law at the University of Chile
  • Coordinator of the I and II Conferences on the teaching of Applied Economics, organized by the Asociación Libre de Economía in Madrid
  • Coordinator of the Commercial Accounting Law and Criminal Law Limits Workshop, directed by Enrique Bacigalupo, Supreme Court Judge, with the participation of, among others, Julio Segura, President of the CNMV and Guillermo Jiménez, Vice President of the Constitutional Court
  • Deputy Director of the On Line Magazine Circunstancia published by the José Ortega y Gasset Foundation
  • Member of the Study Group on the Current Situation and Prospects of the General State Administration appointed by the Ministry of Public Administration
  • President of the Court of National Qualification of the Subscale of Intervention-Treasury and Member of the Court of the Superior Body of Civil State Administrators
  • Main researcher (and therefore coordinator) of the projects: "The Spanish agro-food sector in the framework of the European Single Market", financed by the Interministerial Commission of Science and Technology (CICYT), and "Changes in the industrial location in the enlarged European Union. The role of technological development policy" financed by the Institute of Fiscal Studies
  • Speaker at the Workshop: "Extensive cattle systems in the Sierra de Guadarrama mountains", organized by the European network: Pastoral Project-QLRT-2000-00559 in Madrid, during 7-10 July 2001
  • Evaluator of several economic journals as well as of the National Evaluation and Prospective Agency and Coordinator of the evaluation of the R&D Activities Programs between Research Groups of the Community of Madrid.



  • LÓPEZ MORALES, J. M; GARCÍA GRANDE, M. J.; PABLO MARTÍ, F. (2014). “Aprendizaje cooperativo mediante técnicas de simulación de roles: una experiencia en las ciencias sociales”. EN Procesos de aprendizaje de vanguardia en la enseñanza superior (ISBN: 978-84-15705-19-2). Madrid. pp. 275-290.
  • LÓPEZ MORALES, J. M; GARCÍA GRANDE, M. J.; PABLO MARTÍ, F. (2014). “Cooperative learning in simulation techniques roles: an experience in the social sciences” EN Cutting edge learning processes in higher education (ISBN: 978-1-312-18819-8). pp. 195-206.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M. J. (2013). “El desarrollo rural: ¿Hay un verdadero reto de nuevos objetivos y nuevas perspectiva tras 2013? EN  El futuro del desarrollo rural.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. y VEGA, J. (colab.)(2008). “La política agraria y el cultivo del cereal” EN Papeles de Economía Española.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. (2005). Medio siglo de Política Agraria Comunitaria. Balance y Perspectivas. Serie Estudios. La Caixa.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. (2002). "La modernización de la agricultura" EN Nueva historia de España. La historia en su lugar. Planeta. Barcelona.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. y ÁLVAREZ LÓPEZ, E. (colab.)(2001). Actividad industrial e innovación tecnológica en Castilla y León. Economía Industrial.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. (2000). “La reforma de la PAC en la Agenda 2000 y la agricultura española” EN España en el escenario del euro. Civitas. Madrid.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. (2000). Economía Europea. Crecimiento, integración y transformaciones sectoriales, (VV.AA). Ed. Espasa Calpe. Madrid.
  • GARCÍA GRANDE, M.J. (1999). “La agricultura: una profunda transformación estructural” EN España, Economía: Ante el siglo XXI. Ed. Espasa Calpe. Madrid.