Luis Díez del Corral is a jurist, philosopher and historian of political ideas who has been the author of one of the most important projects of historical interpretation on Europe prepared in the 20th century, as well as a lucid prophetic diagnosis of the uncertainty that has taken hold of this singular continent in recent decades, "El rapto de Europa. Una interpretación histórica".

The work is so extensive that it has been translated into some of the major languages, such as French, English, German, Italian, Dutch and Japanese. Based on the mythological image of the Syrian maiden snatched by the god Zeus, Professor Diez del Corral masterfully explains the essence of this Europe which, on the one hand, "kidnapped" the world through the "universal" extension of its values and culture, but which, in turn, "was kidnapped", insofar as its very essence is the result of a process of learning, integration and development of diverse traditions and cultures.
This work is part of the collection "Raíces de Europa" which includes titles by such important figures for European integration as Jean Monnet, Konrad Adenauer, Alcide de Gasperi, Winston Churchill and Helmut Kohl.
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