- Directors: José María Beneyto Pérez y Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús
- Coordinator: Javier Porras Belarra
- Publisher: Aranzadi
- Date: Madrid, 2019
The fight against economic cartels is the top priority of competition authorities. There is no healthy economy without an effective fight against cartels. In 2015, Aranzadi published BENEYTO, J.M. and MAILLO, J. (DIRS), LA LUCHA CONTRA LOS CÁRTELES EN ESPAÑA, a systematic study on the state of the art. Since then, there have been important developments.
An interdisciplinary and international team, bringing together academics, competition authorities, judges, lawyers and consultants, has been analysing the main developments of the last five years, their implications and some of the remaining challenges. With both rigour and a practical approach, the team has been analysing important issues such as the growing role of prevention and compliance programmes, the development of mechanisms for detecting and obtaining evidence, administrative sanctions (from fines on companies and managers, to disqualifications and prohibitions on hiring) and their judicial review, transactions or settlements, the promotion of antitrust damages actions and their problems, fraudulent bids and interactions between cartels and public procurement, and the current and future possibilities of criminal sanctions.
Promoted by the Centre for Competition Policy of the University Institute of European Studies of the San Pablo CEU University, the book presents the results of this study carried out over the last three years with funding from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and University and support from the National Commission for Markets and Competition.
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