La determinación de los principios básicos para lograr una mayor calidad y utilidad de las evaluaciones
9:15 h
CEU San Pablo University
The CECOD, sponsored by the Madrid Autonomous Region, is carrying out a research project entitled "The determination of the basic principles to achieve greater quality and usefulness of evaluations", whose principal researcher is Rafael Monterde, Professor at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and specialist in evaluation.
The objective of this research is to understand the real contribution of evaluations of development cooperation interventions and to create a framework of Evaluation Quality Standards through the input of different actors in the sectors. We hope that this framework will help to improve the quality of the overall evaluation process by promoting higher quality and use of evaluations.
The first working group will take place on 26 October in San Pablo CEU University . Later, a working paper will be published including the the results of the research.
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