International Conference on 'Solidarity in Hard Times'
11 - 12 - June - 2015
CEU San Pablo University, Madrid
The University Institute for European Studies (IDEE), Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence at CEU San Pablo University, will hold the International Conference on “Solidarity in Hard Times. Solidarity and the European Social Model in times of economic crisis” on 11-12 June 2015 in Madrid.
We will be celebrating the thirtieth anniversary of the signature of the EEC accession treaty of Spain and Portugal. This enlargement is considered to be the most successful from the perspective of solidarity. It is that spirit of solidarity European leaders showed then that could become a source of inspiration to overcome the current crisis.
The conference is part of the Jean Monnet network MoreEU (“More Europe to overcome the crisis”) led by Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna (Pisa) and comprising think tanks and research institutions of five European countries (Notre Europe – Jacques Delors Institute, CEU San Pablo Madrid, University of Warsaw and Nova Law School of Lisbon).
This International Conference aims at focusing attention on the need to rebuild a European identity not only on economic grounds but also on social ones. This reconstruction could reverse the current processes and increase the sense of belonging and European identity. Further and most importantly, it could open windows of opportunity to find European solutions to citizens’ problems in the ongoing crisis.
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