- Author: José Mª Beneyto Pérez (Director), Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús (Coordinador), Belén Becerril Atienza (Coordinadora)
- Publisher: Editorial Aranzadi
- Date: Madrid, 2016
The "Treaty on European Union Law and Policies" offers a detailed, multidisciplinary and up-to-date analysis of the phenomenon of European integration, addressing the institutions, the legal system and the policies of the Union in the hands of some of the most prestigious specialists in the academic and professional world.
Its multidisciplinary character, which is one of its distinctive features, is based on the idea that European integration must be approached as a specific process, the result of an innovative historical-political dynamic that requires its own diverse perspective.
Directed and coordinated by the University Institute of European Studies of the Universidad CEU San Pablo and with the support of a prestigious International Advisory Committee chaired by Marcelino Oreja Aguirre, this work is aimed at the academic world (university teachers and postgraduate students) as well as at professionals, administrations and public authorities...
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