Competition Law and Economic Regulation

Estudios de la Red Académica de Defensa de la Competencia (RADC) 2023

Estudios de la Red Académica de Defensa de la Competencia (RADC) 2023

Autor: Antonio Robles Martínez-Laborda, Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús y Silvia Gómez Trinidad | Aranzadi Julio 2024
Developments and challenges in the fight against economic cartels

Developments and challenges in the fight against economic cartels

Autor: José María Beneyto Pérez y Jerónimo Maillo González-Orús | Thomson Reuters Aranzadi Madrid, 2019
Competition Law Treaty (Second Edition)

Competition Law Treaty (Second Edition)

Autor: José María Beneyto | Jerónimo Maillo | Bosch - Wolters kluwer Madrid, 2017
State Aids, Taxation and the Energy Sector

State Aids, Taxation and the Energy Sector

Autor: Marta Villar Ezcurra | Thomson Reuters Madrid, 2017
The Fight against Hard Core Cartels in Europe

The Fight against Hard Core Cartels in Europe

Autor: José María Beneyto and Jerónimo Maillo | Bruylant Madrid, 2016
Energy Taxation, Environmental Protection and State Aids

Energy Taxation, Environmental Protection and State Aids

Autor: Pasquale Pistone and Marta Villar Ezcurra | IBFD Madrid, 2016
La lucha contra los Cárteles en España

La lucha contra los Cárteles en España

Autor: José María Beneyto y Jerónimo Maillo | Aranzadi 2015
European Banking Union. The New Regime

European Banking Union. The New Regime

Autor: José María Beneyto y Luis M. Hinojosa-Martínez | Wolters Kluwer 2015
Fostering growth in Europe: Reinforcing the internal market

Fostering growth in Europe: Reinforcing the internal market

Autor: José María Beneyto y Jerónimo Maillo | CEU Ediciones Madrid, 2014
Conversaciones sobre la Energía

Conversaciones sobre la Energía

Autor: Vicente López-Ibor Mayor | Civitas 2012