- Directors: José María Beneyto y Jerónimo Maillo
- Publisher: Bosch - Wolters kluwer
- Date: Madrid, 2017
This Competition Law Treaty was a pioneer in Spain and has become a reference work in the field. The 2nd edition of this Treaty is presented as a reference work, updated and extended, which analyses in depth the application of Community and Spanish competition law, both in its general part and with respect to special sectors in which it has a great impact. Without doubt, the main goodness of this work is that it harmonises the detailed scientific study of the applicable regulations with their unavoidable practical interpretation.
Throughout the work, issues such as the prohibition of collusive practices (cartels, vertical agreements, horizontal cooperation agreements); economic concentrations and their effects; administrative procedures before the Commission; judicial control; sanctioning procedures; control of public aid and other public anti-competitive interventions are dealt with with undeniable legal depth. Similarly, the focus is on the regulatory framework and its application in various special sectors such as, among others, energy, pharmaceuticals, sports, food, financial, transport, professional services or anti-competitive practices in public procurement.
The work, promoted and directed from the Centre for Competition Policy of the CEU San Pablo University, has been prepared by a group of prestigious experts in Competition Defence from the liberal professions, the Community and Spanish competition authorities, the courts that control them and the academic world.
Presentation and Acknowledgements
General Index
Chapters and authors
Presentation 'Tratado de Derecho de la Competencia (Segunda edición)', by Ricardo Alonso Soto, Professor of Commercial Law.
If you wish, you can purchase a copy in bookstores or through the Wolters Kluwer website.