The Fight against Hard Core Cartels in Europe

The Fight against Hard Core Cartels in Europe
  • Authors: José María Beneyto and Jerónimo Maillo
  • Associate editors: Justo Corti and Javier Porras 
  • Editorial: Bruylant
  • Foreword by: Eric Van Ginderachter
  • Date: Madrid, 2016

An effective prosecution of cartels is a top priority for European Competition Authorities and a very relevant outcome for the good functioning of our economy. Despite relevant advances in the last decades, there is still need to improve the effectiveness of cartel prosecution in Europe. This book assesses the current system, identifies recent trends, best practices and future challenges. Looking not only at enforcement by the European Commission and the European Court of Justice, but also at enforcement in some relevant Member State jurisdictions, this collective book reviews key issues for public and private enforcement in cartel cases, such as, among others, the importance of institutional design of the Competition authority for cartel prosecution, the design and implementation of leniency programs, the type, level and calculation of fines, or the use of evidence and settlements. It also deals with key aspects of judicial review of administrative decisions. Furthermore it examines the experiences of criminalization of cartels in Europe and new developments regarding claims for damages by cartels victims. 

With the participation of experts of the European Commission and National Competition Authorities, the European Court of Justice and national courts, scholars and lawyers, it follows an international conference coorganised by the Competition Policy Center of CEU San Pablo University and the Spanish Competition Authority in Madrid, co-funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness and the European Commission through the Jean Monnet action.

Edited by José María Beneyto (Director IDEE CEU San Pablo) and Jerónimo Maillo (Coordinator Competition Policy Center), this book contains contributions from Eric Van Ginderachter, Marianela Lopez-Galdos, Gargi Yadav, Juan Delgado, Elisa Mariscal, María Pilar Canedo, Javier Guillén Caramés, Marek Martyniszyn, Jerónimo Maillo, Daniel Zimmer, Aaron Khan, Amparo Lozano Maneiro, María Gutiérrez Rodríguez, Alberto Escudero, Javier García-Verdugo, Konstantin Joergens, Jean-François Bellis, María Luisa Tierno Centella, Georges Vallindas, Eléonore von Bardeleben, Evelyne Ameye and Pablo Gutiérrez de Cabiedes.


'The Fight against Hard Core Cartels in Europe' is available at this link