European Union and International Relations Serie

  • La posición de la Unión Europea en el conflicto del Sahara Occidental ¿Terminan los principios donde empiezan los intereses?
    Elena Ruiz Giménez
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  • Player or Board Game? In Search of Europe’s Strategic Autonomy: The Need of a Common Digital Strategy of the European Union Towards the People’s Republic of China
    Loreto Machés Blázquez
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  • Tesla: estrategias de internacionalización y acceso al mercado en Brasil
    Carmen Salvo González
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  • Las mujeres en los conflictos y postconflictos armados: la resolución 1325 de la ONU y su vigencia hoy
    Guadalupe Cavero Martínez
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  • The EU-China Digital Agenda and Connectivity
    Meri Beridze
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  • A geostrategic rivalry: the Sino-Indian border dispute
    Eva María Pérez Vidal
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  • Europa en el mundo
    Emilio Lamo de Espinosa
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  • The European Union, a Great Trading Power. The "New Generation" Trade Agreements: An Opportunity for Spain: Executive Report on proposals for Spanish foreign policy.
    Royal University Institute for European Studies
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  • Trade Agreement EU-Japan. Implications for Spain
    Amadeo Jensana
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  • The Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) with Canada. Implications for Spain
    Cristina Serrano Leal
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