Working Papers

  • The Biden condition: interpreting treaty-interpretation
    José de Areilza Carvajal
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  • Reframing the Response to Climate Refugees
    Alexander Grey Crutchfield
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  • International Humanitarian Law after Second World War
    Royal University Institute for European Studies
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  • Aciertos y desafíos de la cooperación Sur-Sur. Estudio del caso de Cuba y Haití
    María Fernández Sánchez
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  • The evolvement of China-EU cooperation on climate change and its new opportunities under the European Green Deal
    Zhang Min and Gong Jialuo
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  • A climate for change in the European Union. The current crisis implications for EU Climate and Energy Policies
    Corina Popa
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  • The global climate governance: a comparative study between the EU and China
    Cao Hui
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  • A Study on China’s Measures for the Decoupling of the Economic Growth and the Carbon Emission
    Rao Lei and Çao Min
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  • Spain's relations with China within the European Union: proposals for Spanish foreign policy
    The Royal University Institute of European Studies
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  • 40 años de reforma: el papel de China en la comunidad internacional
    Enrique Fanjul
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