Working Papers

  • EU Cartel Settlement procedure: an assessment of its results 10 years later
    Jerónimo Maillo
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  • Environmental Protection Efforts and the Threat of Climate Change in the Arctic: Examined Through International Perspectives Including the European Union and the United States of America
    Kristina Morris
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  • Cuba en el mundo: el papel de Estados Unidos, la Unión Europea y España
    Paula Foces Rubio
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  • Peace and Reconciliation Processes: The Northern Irish case and its lessons
    Carlos Johnston Sánchez
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  • El modelo de negocio de Uber y el sector del transporte urbano de viajeros: implicaciones en materia de competencia
    Ana Goizueta Zubimendi
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  • Los nuevos instrumentos y los objetivos de política económica en la UE: efectos de la crisis sobre las desigualdades
    Miguel Moltó
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  • Las ONGD españolas: necesidad de adaptación al nuevo contexto para sobrevivir
    Carmen Moreno Quintero
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  • Brexit: How did the UK get here?
    Izabela Daleszak
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  • The European refugee crisis and the EU-Turkey deal on migrants and refugees
    Guido Savasta
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  • Case-Law on the Control of Energy Taxes and Tax Reliefs under European Union Law
    Álvaro del Blanco. Lorenzo del Federico. Cristina García Herrera. Concetta Ricci. Caterina Verrigni. Silvia Giorgi
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