The Hugo Grotius conference is an academic forum held annually in the headquarters of the Spanish Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, where a speaker of great international prestige in the area of arbitration gives a masterly lecture on a subject freely chosen for its current importance or interest to a group of legal experts on arbitration matters.
As a result of these conferences we find the following documents:
The prestigious editorial Aranzadi has published in 2021 the book: "Arbitraje: presente y futuro. Las conferencias Hugo Grocio", edited with edition and introduction by José María Beneyto. This book is a collection of the Hugo Grotius Lectures on arbitration at the Spanish Royal Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation during the period 2008-2019, organised by the Centre for International Arbitration, Mediation and Negotiation (CIAMEN) of San Pablo-CEU University. To obtain a copy of the book you can click on this link.